Boom Boom Boom (when I almost lost my faith in John Lee Hooker), set design, Turku Theatre, 2002
The team consisting of poet Markku Into, producing the text and sound, artist Simo Alitalo making the soundscape and me as the set designer, got a second chance in 2002 to produce an experimental play on the small stage at the Turku Theatre. In comparison with our first play, the Coffee Percolator (2000), which was a truly adventurous avantgardistic journey, this was more a traditional play, directed by Jukka Aaltonen. I designed a cross road with four roofed porches, for the audience to sit in and watch the strange things going on in the streets. This was a comment to the architecture of the small cities of the south part of USA and to the blues music of John Lee Hooker, to whom many connections were made both in the text and in the soundscape. Photo: Robert Seger